Using unlocked smart phone while traveling

Using unlocked smart phone while traveling

Postby bnlgrabo » Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:46 pm

I have an unlocked iPhone 13 and am planning a 3-week trip to New Zealand in a month. I'd like to use the phone while there, primarily for text, mail and internet.

First, is this possible?

And second, if so what steps should I take when I arrive in New Zealand?

Third, what steps should I take when I return to the U.S.?

Thank you.
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Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:27 pm

Re: Using unlocked smart phone while traveling

Postby TracFone - Maria » Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:00 pm

Hi bnlgrabo. This is TracFone Maria. We're sorry to inform you that your phone service will not work in New Zealand. We only provide service in United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska. You may unlock your phone for you to be able to use the service in New Zealand. For further assistance, please check your Forum inbox for a message. Click on "New Messages" beside User Control Panel to view your Forum inbox. You can use our self-service menu by simply texting the word HELP to 611611. Thank you.
TracFone - Maria
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