Tracfone Privacy Act

Tracfone Privacy Act

Postby vmclark » Wed May 08, 2024 12:58 pm

I requested a history of my phone calls, both input and output. I received a response, and it says its downloading through Tracfone web site. But nothings happens. Just "down loading keeps spinning"

Here's the email response:
"Dear Tracfone Customer,

Great news! Your privacy request has been processed in accordance with your state laws. You can now access the personal information our company has collected on you.

To access your information:

1. If you placed your request through your Tracfone account you can login to your account and retrieve your report by going to the “Account & Payment” section and looking for the Privacy tab. Use the ‘check status’ button, with the above referenced Request ID to retrieve your report files.

2. If you placed your request through our Privacy Central portal, you can visit the Tracfone homepage and use the Privacy Central link at the bottom of the page to return to the portal. Your existing account username and password will work for the Privacy Central login.

If you don’t remember your password, you can use the “Confirm Your Identity” button to login with an alternative secure login method. Of course, you can also use the ‘forgot password’ functionality in the main account login to set a new password.
Once you login to your privacy account, you will land on your request history page where you will see the devices you added to your privacy account and all of the requests you have made for each device.
Check for the access report request with the above referenced request ID. At the far right of the request row, there will be a set of links available. Simply click on each link to download your information.

This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email. If you need additional help, click to contact us or call our privacy line at 1-877-799-1999"

I tried using chat. What a mistake! I also tried calling the number. Another mistake! Those people don't have a clue what I'm trying to accomplish. They keep thinking its a phone problem I'm having. Tried to explain. no comprendo!!!
Don't know where to turn
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Joined: Tue Sep 07, 2021 12:11 pm

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