I had a phone I bought from Tracfone die,they would not replace it.I was forced to buy another phone from them,which I had the service from the broken phone transferred to.Somehow I cannot get the people who eventually answer the phone in the unlocking department to understand this or do anything but put me on hold and then say they can't help and I have tried a lot of times.I've spent hours on something that should take minutes and it's still not done!!!!I simply cannot deal with the frustration of calling that unlocking # from Hell anymore.It's pointless.I'd appreciate some help or a referral to someone who can help.On my last phone call I asked the guy to transfer me to someone who could help.He said he wasn't going to do that,but I could call back the same number.(Again for the millionth time with no help but plenty of nastieness and rudeness.).
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Device Identification Number