Samsung Galaxy AO2s keeps displaying wrong charger or cord e

Samsung Galaxy AO2s keeps displaying wrong charger or cord e

Postby lakota » Thu Nov 10, 2022 1:06 pm

my Samsung Galaxy AO2s keeps displaying wrong charger or cord error message (triangle with exclamation point in it).

This just occurred today after I installed the Open Camera app from the Google Play store.

I doubt the 2 are connected but I'm not a cell phone engineer.

The phone is at 69% charge then goes to 70% and sits there for 3 hours.

I've Goolged and YouiTubed this and tried a few suggestions.

It's a sealed phone so you can't just pop out the battery like the old LGs.

I connected it to several different outlets and then my Dell laptop.

Remains at 70% charged.

I've held down the Power + Volume Down buttons, re-started and shut if off for 15 minutes.

Nothing seems to resolve this.

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