by oakpatch » Mon May 23, 2022 5:33 pm
I am passing this along in case other people have the same problem. Samsung pushed out the upgrade to Android 12 today on my A51 phone so I went ahead and installed it. The install went well but then afterwards I discovered that my phone had no data. The good news is that after doing some googling I found a solution to the problem. By turning on developer options (you can google how to do that, it requires going into the settings), and then on the developer options screen turning on "Mobile data always active", I was able to get data working. This seemed to be just a one-time thing, and once data was working again I didn't need to leave that setting turned on. I was able to turn off "Mobile data always active" and I continued to get data on the phone. Supposedly leaving that setting turned on is a battery drain so I was happy to turn it off. I tested this by turning off that setting and restarting the phone--and I still got data. So it appears that turning on the setting just toggled or fixed something at the start but it isn't necessary to keep it turned on.